This Beautiful Card can be used for any occasion where we wish to Congratulate someone.
A very uplifting, happy Thank You Card.
A unique, positive and fun birthday card.
A wonderful reminder to be present. A card that anyone would appreciate and a reminder that is so important.
Your friends and family will adore this cute, Holiday greeting card. Purchase a package now, and receive two extra cards for free.

Vajrapani is a Buddhist deity and is a protector of all Bodhisattvas. He will also protect your dream plane, so putting this card above your bed, in a frame, is recommended.

Padmasambhava, The Glorious Lotus Born, blesses us all with happiness and peace through releasing all obstacles that hinder our pathway to Enlightenment. Founder of Tibetan Buddhism, known as the 2nd Buddha. Softly gaze Padmasambhava and quietly thank him for bringing harmony, happiness and peace into your consciousness and hence your life.
Beautiful words from The Dhammapada. The Buddha’s Path of Wisdom along with a beautiful painting of the Enlightened Swans. Thank you Kundalini.
Our Buddha child happily lets us remember the powerful and beautiful Mantra and what it means. Yes The Divine Presence IS in the lotus of our hearts and Enlightenment is within us and Enlightenment is in everyone and is everything.
This beautiful card plants seeds of truth, to remind us that all things are possible, including Enlightenment, when we practice meditation and seek the Light within.
When you meditate happiness happens and all things are possible.

Nature is always singing. Stop and listen to nature and you will hear the eternal Aum.

Receive any quantity up to 12 of any of our Mystical Greeting Cards for the price of 7.
A $46 discount if you purchased each card individually.

If any companies are interested in distribution or buying these beautiful cards
wholesale please contact us at Team@TheMysticalExperience.com

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